Battle of Imphal

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The Ledo Road and the Hump 1942-45 Tour


The tea growing town of Dibrugarh in Assam and its neighbourhood are intimately connected with the Second World War. It was the airfields around Dibrugarh that were used by the Americans to fly supplies over the Himalayas – “Flying the Hump” – to China. The nearby town of Ledo is where the famous Stilwell or Ledo Road that cut across northern Burma originated.

This day-long tour gives you a chance to uncover the fascinating Second World War-related history of the area. It takes in the colonial town of Digboi, home of the excellent Digboi Oil Museum and a Second World War cemetery maintained by the UK-based Commonwealth and War Graves Commission. You drive along and to the end – at Lekhapani – of a frontier railway line that was crucial for carrying Allied supplies during the war. A highlight is the thrill of exploring the abandoned Ledo Airfield, one of those used for flights over the “Hump”.  The tour also takes in a visit to Zero Point, the starting point of the famous Ledo or Stilwell Road, and a short drive up the road to get a feel for it. Finally, you have the option of experiencing the fabled life of a tea plantation manager by staying at a heritage tea bungalow around Dibrugarh.

Indian nationals have the extra option of applying for an Inner Line Permit (ILP) and crossing over to Arunachal Pradesh to see the remains of Chinese graves at the war cemetery near Jairampur.

Note: This tour is only offered in conjunction with the tours around Imphal and Kohima.