Battle of Imphal

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In The Media

The following is media and other coverage of the Battle of Imphal Tours, Hemant Singh Katoch and Yaiphaba Kangjam, and our books:

>> Sasakawa Peace Foundation, 16 January 2023: Providing new avenues for research into Japanese military operations in Northeast India during WWII

>> Nikkei Asia, 21 December 2022: How history is shaping the future in Nagaland

>> History Hit, 10 January 2022: How the Japanese Invasion of India was Defeated (Documentary / YouTube)

>> Yellow Chapter, 21 June 2021: How Hemant and Yaiphaba built the first professionally run WWII battlefields tour company in India

>> CNN Travel, 4 October 2020: Revisiting India's forgotten battle of WWII: Kohima-Imphal, the Stalingrad of the East

>> National Geographic, 11 March 2020: Memories of World War II bloodshed surface in a trek across India

>> Man's World, 2018: This Writer’s Battlefield Tours Take You Inside The Lost Battles Of Imphal & Kohima

>> Assam Tribune, 28 January 2018: War tourism and Sakura

>> Open Magazine, 11 November 2016: [Book Review by Mark Tully] The Forgotten Battle

>> Times of India, 27 October 2016: [Book Review] The Battlefields of Imphal

>> Hindustan Times, 8 October 2016: [Book Review] The Battlefields of Imphal

>> Hindustan Times, 26 August 2016: [Video and podcast] Imphal, scene of the greatest battles of World War II

>> Indian Express, 20 August 2016: [Book Review] The Winds of War

>> Hindustan Times, 5 August 2016: [Video blog] Bookstack: Books of the week

>> The Caravan, August 2016: Bookshelf - The Battlefields of Imphal

>> Scroll, 15 August 2015: Why one researcher wants to revive the memory of Britain's great battle in Imphal

>> Indian Express, 8 May 2015: World War II: Heroes of Forgotten Army get visitors on 70th anniversary

>> National Geographic Traveller India, August 2014: The Men Under the Ground

>> Journal of Defence Studies, IDSA, July 2014: The Battle of Imphal: March-July 1944

>> Al Jazeera, 28 June 2014: World War Two 'forgotten army' honoured

>> NDTV, 27 June 2014: 15000 vs 1500: India's Forgotten War

>> New York Times, 21 June 2014: A Largely Indian Victory in World War II, Mostly Forgotten in India

>> The NorthEast Stories, 19 March 2014: A Walk Through Battle of Imphal

>> Outlook Traveller, February 2014: Living on the edge

>> Times of India, 26 January 2014: A walk down in history

>> Sangai Express, Imphal, 4 January 2014: 2014 – The 70th Anniversary year of the Battle of Imphal

>> Zee News, 5 November 2013: Battle of Imphal: A Forgotten Story

>> Daily News and Analysis (DNA), Mumbai, 3 October 2013: Manipur tour service revisits forgotten Battle of Imphal through its historical sites

>> Indian Express, 25 August 2013: The battle that time forgot

>> Brown Paper Bag, Mumbai/New Delhi, 7 May 2013: Battle of Imphal Tours: Battle and Hum

>> Sangai Express, Imphal, 4 December 2012: The case for a Second World War museum in Imphal